Elm Street Roastery

Urbana Police Department



The mission of the Urbana Police Department is to enhance the quality of life in the City of Urbana by working cooperatively with the community and within the framework of the Constitution to enforce the laws, preserve the peace, reduce the fear of crime, and provide a safe environment for all. 

The Urbana Police Department will continually strive for excellence in the performance of its duties through education, training, and collaboration with its residents.

Chief’s Message

On behalf of the Urbana Police Department, I'm delighted to introduce you to our organization and the dedicated individuals who comprise our team.

At the heart of our mission is a commitment to work cooperatively with the community and within the framework of the Constitution to enforce the laws, preserve the peace, reduce the fear of crime, and provide a safe environment for all. This mission is brought to life through authentic problem-solving with community members, educational initiatives, and the enforcement of laws through the lens of procedural justice to ensure voluntary compliance. Our department is made up of caring and courageous professionals who are committed to treating all with dignity and respect upholding the highest standards. 

In our continuous pursuit of excellence, we seek to earn accreditation from the Illinois Law Enforcement Accreditation Program (ILEAP), a testament to our dedication to professional standards and policing excellence in the State of Illinois. We believe that through dedication and ongoing efforts, we can serve as a model police department, deserving of the trust our community places in us. I thank you for allowing me to assume the responsibility of leading the women and men who represent the Urbana Police Department.

Your thoughts and comments are not only welcome but also are very important to us. So, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. It would be our privilege to serve you.


Larry D. Boone
Chief of Police

Police Interactions

Comments about police interactions may be submitted to Police Department Executive Assistant Lisa.Curtiss [at] (Lisa[dot]Curtiss[at]UrbanaIL[dot]gov).

To report misconduct by an Urbana Police Officer, you can file a Citizen Police Complaint. To begin the process, email the Human Rights and Equity Officer at OHRE [at] to schedule an appointment. Additional information about filing a complaint can be found here.