Elm Street Roastery

Utility and Right-of-way Permits

What is a Right of Way

Right-of-way is public property and includes any public thoroughfare such as a street, road, walkway or alley. It also usually includes the median, utility poles, sidewalks, and the area immediately adjacent to the street (sometimes known as a "sidewalk strip" or a "parkway").

Apply for a Utility and ROW Permit online.

The exact location of the right-of-way boundary lines can only be determined by a licensed land surveyor.

Projects that Require Utility and Right-of-way Permits


Examples include:

  • Sidewalk repairs
  • Sanitary Sewer line excavations and connections
  • Driveway repairs or installations
  • Culvert installations
  • Storm Sewer line excavations and connections
  • Utility repair or installation
  • Private water & sewer line connections
  • Sidewalk construction where there is an existing curb
  • Dumpster or storage pod located in ROW 
  • Parking Lane Closures
  • Road, Alley or Sidewalk Closures

Landscaping work (i.e. gardening, planting) done in the City right-of-way requires a Landscape Maintenance Agreement.