What types of signs are allowed in the Right-of-Way?
Signs that are for short-term, timed use shall be allowed in the City’s right-of-way as long as the signs are removed immediately following the event. Such signs would include garage sale signs, political campaign signs, significant University of Illinois events (i.e. IHSA tournaments), and fund-raising advertisements for non-profit agencies.
Note: A property owner may remove any political campaign sign from the right-of-way directly adjacent to their property.
What types of signs are NOT allowed in the Right-of-Way?
No signs shall be affixed to any City or utility infrastructure including traffic signals, streetlights, street sign posts, utility poles, hydrants, etc. but rather shall be attached to a self-supported stake or post.
Signs that have no definitive time for removal shall not be allowed in the City’s right-of-way. Such signs would include newspaper stands, real estate signs, and home business signs or advertising, except as allowed in the Urbana Zoning Ordinance, Section IX-5-13.
If these signs were placed in the right-of-way, the City will try to notify the owner of the signs and ask that the signs be removed immediately (within 48 hours). If the owner cannot be located or does not remove the signs, the City shall remove the signs and let the owner know where to collect the signs. If the owner of the signs cannot be located, the signs will be discarded after thirty (30) days. Otherwise, the signs would be discarded five (5) days after notification.
Are Lost Pet signs allowed in the Right-of-Way?
Yes. But signs must be freestanding on poles, legs, or wires that are stuck into the ground within the ROW. Lost pet signs may NOT be attached to City light poles, traffic signal poles, traffic signs, street name signs, and trees.
What do I submit when applying for a Utility and Right-Of-Way Permit?
- Completed Utility and Right-of-way Permit application (via the application portal)
- Traffic Control Plan (if applicable)
- Site Plan (clearly showing proposed work)
- Current Certificate of Liability Insurance with the City of Urbana listed as a Certificate Holder and endorsed as an Additional Insured. The following language should be used in the description section: “The City of Urbana, its agents, and employees are listed as additional insured from [date to date].” The certificate of Liability Insurance must be on file at the Public Works Department.
- Current Surety Bond for $10,000 must be on file at the Public Works Department. If you are not sure if you have these items on file with us, please call and we can let you know. A Utility and Right-of-way Permit will not be processed without both the complete insurance statement and the bond in the correct amount.
- Permit Fee - this will be accepted only after the permit application has been reviewed and approved.
How long will it take to get a Utility and Right-of-way Permit?
Typically Utility and Right-of-way Permits are approved within one (1) to three (3) business days after they have been received. Please submit your completed application at least 24 hours before commencing any activity in the right-of-way requiring a permit. A minimum of 24 hours' notice is required for inspections by Public Works personnel. That will provide the time necessary to verify the accuracy of your paperwork and to schedule an inspection time. Keep in mind that road closures require a 72-hour advance warning.
How long is my Utility and Right-of-way Permit good for?
The Utility and Right-of-way Permit is good for the duration of the specific project location that the Permit was applied for. A Utility and Right-of-way Permit cannot be used at multiple locations.
What happens if I do not get a Utility and Right-of-way Permit for my project?
Failure to obtain a permit for work being performed in the City right-of-way will result in a fine per the Schedule of Fees. If concrete is to be poured as part of the project, an applicant must contact the Engineering Division at 217-384-2342 for an inspection before the placement of any concrete.