Elm Street Roastery

Urbana Enterprise Zone

construction photos

The Urbana Enterprise Zone provides financial incentives including property tax abatements and sales tax exemptions to eligible residential, commercial, and industrial construction within the Zone. 

Think Urbana is a program of the Urbana Enterprise Zone and offers property tax rebates and fee reductions for eligible new home projects.

For additional information on Enterprise Zone incentives, to find out if your project is eligible, or to apply, please call the Economic Development Division at 217-384-2444. 


How to Apply for Enterprise Zone and Think Urbana Incentives

First, create an account and apply

For projects that are eligible for Property Tax abatement please use the following form: 

Property Tax Abatement Application (Form B)


For more information about the Urbana Enterprise Zone Programs, including Think Urbana, see any of the following: 

Additional Resources

For more information about Illinois Enterprise Zones, please see the Illinois Enterprise Zone Association (IEZA) and Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO).

For information on reporting incentives to the Illinois Department of Revenue Illinois Department of Revenue - Business Incentives Reporting FAQ