Report a Crime Online
If this is an emergency, call 911.
You can use our online reporting system to report a non-emergency crime to the Urbana Police Department. This makes reporting more convenient for you and helps officers use their time efficiently.
To file online, you’ll need a valid email address.
Before starting, please confirm the following:
- Is this an emergency?
- Could this involve child abduction?
- Did this incident happen outside Urbana city limits?
- Did this occur within the Campustown area?
- Did this happen on a state freeway?
If you answered NO to all, you’re ready to file online. If you answered YES to any of them, please contact the Urbana Police Department at 217-384-2320 and ask a Police Services Representative for help.
Important: Filing a false police report is a Class 4 felony in Illinois under 720 ILCS 5/26-1(4), which prohibits knowingly reporting a non-existent offense.
Please fill out the webform below to file an online police report.