Commercial Signage Grant Program - Guidelines and Application

What is the Commercial Signage Grant Program?
The Commercial Signage Grant Program provides matching grant funds to businesses to enhance their storefronts by adding or improving commercial signage. The program was established using Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to provide matching grants to business and commercial property owners wishing to renovate, enhance, and improve highly visible buildings along commercial corridors within the TIF Districts and Philo Road Business District.
The primary objective of the Commercial Signage Grant Program is to promote and assist in supporting the City’s businesses by providing grants for replacing or adding new signage to commercial storefronts that contribute to the vitality of the area.
The Commercial Signage Grant can be used to design, purchase, and install a commercial sign. Funds may also be used to purchase and install awnings if they include a business name, logo, or both. To be eligible for the program, properties must be in the TIF District or the Philo Road Business District.