Elm Street Roastery

Comprehensive Plan

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The Comprehensive Plan is our community's vision for where we want to be in twenty years. It is the long-range planning guide for our City, designed to direct all future actions of the City. The strategies to achieve the goals and objectives by which community-wide land use, neighborhood preservation, economic development, transportation, social, environmental, and quality of life decisions are included. 

The City of Urbana’s current Comprehensive Plan was approved in 2005. Since then, there has been an economic recession and, more recently, a pandemic, which had a significant economic impact on our area. To ensure that our updated Comprehensive Plan will serve as a useful guide as we navigate the future, it must be able to withstand or recover quickly from changing conditions.


Imagine Urbana, the City's Comprehensive Plan update process, began in late 2020. It is centered on community outreach to identify goals and aspirations for the future development of the City.

Our first step was to Examine Urbana, which resulted in a detailed look at where we are today. This was followed by an extensive, two-year community engagement effort to obtain input from all neighborhoods as well as business, hospitality, educational, and healthcare sectors. We listened closely to people of all ages and backgrounds and did our best to reflect their needs, challenges, preferences, and vision for the future.

The 2024 Imagine Urbana Comprehensive Plan sets forth Big Ideas that build upon our strengths and address current challenges. It offers Big Moves to help guide us toward a vibrant and sustainable future. This visionary plan is a testament to our shared aspirations, values, and commitment to building a welcoming, thriving community for generations to come.

Review the draft of Imagine Urbana, our City’s new Comprehensive Plan or visit the complete Imagine Urbana website.