Elm Street Roastery

Parking Permits


Parking within the University of Illinois Zone

Parking in the zone is restricted to residents, or their guests, between 3 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. Restrictions do not apply on Saturday or Sunday.

A City ordinance established the zone in 1975 to deter commuter parking on residential streets near the University of Illinois campus. By restricting parking where off-street parking is inadequate, the zone assists residents who would otherwise have difficulty finding parking near their dwellings.

Annual Parking Permit Year

The annual parking permit year runs from August 1 of the current year to August 14 of the following year.

Eligibility for Residential Permits

The zone is bounded by Green Street, Race Street, Florida Avenue and Lincoln Avenue, and you must live within those boundaries to apply for permits. To obtain permits, please bring in proof of residency, a photo ID, and current vehicle registration.

Parking within the Urbana High School Zone

Only vehicles displaying valid permits issued to residents living within a three block radius of the Urbana High School Zone, as defined below, shall be allowed to park within the Urbana High School Zone:

  • 200-400 Blocks of Michigan
  • 200-400 Blocks of Indiana
  • 200-400 Blocks of Iowa
  • 1000-1100 Blocks of Garfield
  • 1000-1100 Blocks of Douglas
  • 900 and 1200 Blocks of Carle
Days and Hours of Enforcement

Restriction is enforced Monday through Friday, except for official city holidays, and during select periods of non-enforcement.

72-Hour Ordinance Enforcement

For residents who will be away and leaving a vehicle parked on a street for an extended time, please call the Human Resources and Finance Department at 217-384-2346 to request an exemption to the 72-hour ordinance or drop by the Human Resources and Finance Department in the City Building and complete the form in person. 

Permit Placement

Please place special parking zone permits on the inside driver’s window of the vehicle. Below is a diagram for placement based on the type of vehicle.

For temporary paper permits, please place tape on each corner and affix it the inside window in the proper location. Permanent sticker permits may be affixed by removing the paper backing and placing the sticker on the inside window in the proper location. Taped permanent sticker permits will not be considered valid.

Permit Waivers

Both residents and landlords can obtain a waiver of the permit requirement for special events, such as meetings, estate sales, and garage sales, by applying in-person to the City Finance Department for a waiver at least 48 hours before an event. Proof of residency or ownership is required.