Elm Street Roastery

Proclamation Request

At the Mayor's discretion, a Proclamation can be issued for noteworthy local events or persons that deserve special recognition.

If you would like to request a Proclamation, please fill out the form below and submit your request four to six weeks before it is needed to allow adequate time for your request to be considered.

Please provide as much information as possible- including background information, relevant statistics/facts, historical context or significance and any key language you would like to include in the Proclamation.

Contact Information
Re-order Proposed Title of Proclamation Verbiage of Proclamation Weight Operations
What would you like the Proclamation to say? Please provide full sentences on your topic. Please include historical context and importance, background information, relevant statistics/facts and any specific language you would like included in the Proclamation.
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Please provide any documentation that will help in writing the Proclamation. This can include letters of support, previous Proclamations, event flyers, or biographies.
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Re-order Who does this Proclamation Benefit Importance of Proclamation Weight Operations
How does this Proclamation impact the local community? What local events, organizations or activities are associated with this Proclamation?
What would you like the Proclamation to say? Please provide full sentences on your topic. Please include historical context and importance, background information, relevant statistics/facts and any specific language you would like included in the Proclamation.
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Has the Mayor's Office Issued A Similar Proclamation Before?
Is a Public Reading of the Proclamation requested?
Location of Event
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