Elm Street Roastery

Business Sustainability

Photo collage representing business sustainability

Here are some incentives available for businesses that increase their sustainability efforts.

TIF District Energy Incentive

Get a cash incentive equal to 5 percent of your energy efficiency project cost when your business reduces energy use by 10 percent or more.  To qualify, the property must be in one of Urbana's Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Districts.

For more information, please see the TIF Program web page.

Ameren ActOnEnergy Incentives

Get energy and money-saving measures at little or no cost. For more information, visit the ActOnEnergy website.

All Illinois Energy Incentives

The Database of State Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE) is the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States.

Business Recycling Service

All waste haulers can provide recycling services for your business. For more information, see the Business Recycling web page.

Stormwater Utility Credits and Incentives

Take advantage of the City's incentives to reduce stormwater runoff from your property. For more information, see the Public Works Assistance Programs web page.

Smart Energy and Design Center (SEDAC)

SEDAC provides advice and analyses enabling facilities in the State of Illinois to increase their profitability through the efficient use of energy resources. The free technical services can identify opportunities for energy savings through intelligent building design and efficient building components and systems. 

For more information, see the Smart Energy and Design Assistance Center website.

Illinois Green Business Association

The Illinois Green Business Association helps businesses realize the economic, social, and environmental benefits of green business practices through a green business certification program. For more information, see the Illinois Green Business Association website.

Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) at the Prairie Research Institute

On-site expert assistance on energy efficiency and other best management practices. For more information, see the ISTC website or call 217-333-8940.