Elm Street Roastery

Submit an Online Complaint

Have you seen illegal parking or other code enforcement violations in your neighborhood? If so submit an online complaint, and it will be automatically routed to the appropriate department for investigation.

Information for Tenants 

Please notify your landlord of the issue and allow them time to correct it prior to submitting a complaint. Your name must be on the lease to submit a complaint. You can view instructions for the complaint submission form.

Understanding Violations

Code complaints can be submitted for various items such as overgrowth, junk and debris, unsafe housing, and other public nuisances.

For loud gatherings or music, please contact the Urbana Police Department at 217-384-2320.

Public nuisances include:

  • Weeds or overgrown property
  • Trash and debris
  • Loud noise from equipment or construction

Building safety violations include:

  • Over-occupied (more than four unrelated occupants per unit)
  • Disrepair or dilapidated structures
  • Tenant complaint

Complaints can be submitted through the City of Urbana Online Portal. You will need the address of the property in question.

For More Information

The Urbana City Code is available here.