Elm Street Roastery

City Council

Urbana is a home-rule community with a Mayor/Aldermanic form of government. The Mayor, seven Council Members each representing a different ward, and the City Clerk are elected every four years.  

The City Council is responsible for establishing laws for resident welfare, determining policies that govern providing municipal services, and approving certain Mayoral appointments.

The City Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of the month. The Committee of the Whole meets on the first and third Mondays of the month. 

Upcoming Meetings


The City Meetings Calendar with Agenda and Packet materials may be found here:

Meeting Calendar

List of Meetings with Attachments

To view the archive of Council meetings, please see the City Clerk document archive.


Feel free to email your questions, input, and concerns to the full City Council at CityCouncil [at] (CityCouncil[at]UrbanaIL[dot]gov).