Elm Street Roastery

Erosion Control

Silt Fencing Protection

The City of Urbana Engineering Division, located in the Public Works Department at 706 Glover Avenue in Urbana, issues and monitors erosion control permits.

Apply for an Erosion Control Permit online.

The City requires erosion control permits for the following projects:

  • New home construction
  • New commercial, industrial, subdivision, or institutional construction
  • Home improvement projects that add over 1,000 square feet of building area (assuming that 100% of the building addition or demolition area is disturbed as part of construction/demolition)
  • Demolition projects for buildings
  • Any land disturbance activity over 2,000 square feet in area 

The ordinance defines land disturbance area as any land change that may result in soil erosion from wind, water and/or ice and the movement of sediments into or upon waters, lands, or rights-of-way within the City, including but not limited to building demolition, clearing and grubbing, grading, excavating, transporting and filling of land. Practically speaking the best way to estimate disturbed areas is to total the area of new buildings, parking/driving surfaces, and areas that will require seeding or sodding after the project is complete to restore a vegetative cover. 


Class 1 - land disturbances of 1 or more acres.  Class 1 permits also require an IEPA ILR-10 permit.
Class 2 - land disturbances between 2000 square feet and one (1) acre.
Class 3 - utility company (only) land disturbances between 2000 square feet and one (1) acre.


Permit documents and procedures required for a particular land disturbance activity depend on the classification assigned to the land disturbance. The application form for each class will outline the requirements.  For more details, consult the appropriate Manual of Practice and Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance No. 2007-11-133.


Refer to the Schedule of Fees for the current permit fees.


Applications will be reviewed within seven (7) days of receipt. Once all submitted materials are in order, the City will approve the permittee's erosion control plan. Plan approval gives the permittee the go-ahead to install all required erosion control measures. Once all required erosion control measures are installed, the permittee must call for an inspection. The erosion control permit will be issued on a passing installation inspection and receipt of all permit fees.


A City representative will periodically inspect all projects to verify that the approved erosion control plan is being properly implemented. The permittee must maintain all approved erosion control measures throughout the project.


Permits will be issued for one year. If the permittee commences permitted activities later than 180 days of permit issuance, the permittee shall resubmit all required application materials, unless the resubmittal or parts of it are waived by the City. Extensions beyond one year may be granted if the permittee is making reasonable progress toward project completion.


Upon final stabilization of all disturbed land on the project site, the permittee must submit a Notice of Termination. Once a City close-out inspection confirms that all disturbed areas have been restored, the permit will be closed.