Elm Street Roastery

Capital Improvement Projects

The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is the City’s plan for capital projects and maintenance programs for the City's infrastructure assets over the next five fiscal years (currently for FY 25-29). 

The CIP is informed by other local and regional plans, including the City's Comprehensive Plan and its Amendments, the Champaign-Urbana Urban Area Transportation Study (CUUATS) Long Range Transportation Plan, the CUUATS Urban Area Safety Plan, and the City's asset management plans.  Revenue for the CIP comes from motor fuel taxes, City of Urbana General Fund transfers, grants, and sewer usage fees.

The City updates the CIP annually. If you would like to share input, please email projects [at] (projects[at]urbanaillinois[dot]us). We will collect input and information as it will help inform us as we periodically update project priorities and develop new projects.

View the Project Map for CIP FY2025-FY2029.

A draft CIP FY2025-FY2029 was presented at the April 1, 2024, Committee of the Whole Meeting, and the final version was approved at the May 6, 2024, Committee of the Whole Meeting.