Elm Street Roastery

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC) was established in 2006 (Sec. 23-146) with the primary purpose of advising the City Council on how to make bicycling and walking viable modes of transportation in the City of Urbana.

BPAC duties include:
  • Analyzing routing, operation, and safety of bicycles
  • Reviewing and making recommendations regarding the City's Capital Improvement PlanBicycle Master Plan, and Pedestrian Master Plan
  • Performing a regular evaluation and recommending an action plan for biking and walking facilities
  • Coordinating with external agencies on maps and regional connections
  • Developing education and public outreach opportunities on bicycle and pedestrian issues
  • Assisting the City in the development of bicycle and pedestrian systems with the community

BPAC consists of 11 members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Council from constituencies with an interest and expertise in bicycle and pedestrian issues such as bicycle commuting, bicycle clubs, running, transportation planning, recreation, child advocacy, senior advocacy, physical fitness, and business.  Four members include one each from the Urbana School District, Urbana Park District, University of Illinois, and City of Urbana Public Works Department.

BPAC meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 400 South Vine Street. Meetings are open to the public.

To send an email to all commission members and staff, please use this address: BicycleandPedestrianAdvisoryCommission [at] (BicycleAndPedestrianAdvisoryCommission[at]UrbanaIL[dot]gov)


Filter specific meetings on the following links


Agendas, minutes, and attachments for past meetings can be found in the archives.

If you are interested in volunteering your time and expertise and want to be considered for appointment to an Urbana board or commission, please fill out an online Board and Commission Application

For related information, please see Bike Urbana.