Bike Urbana

Bicycling promotes the public health and well-being of Urbana’s residents, contributes to good air quality, and reduces congestion. With a size of 11.6 square miles and flat topography, the City of Urbana is an ideal community for bicycle commuting. Bicycling is intended to be safe, efficient, and a practical travel option for all City residents and visitors for recreation and daily needs.
Urbana has strong bicycle groups, a comprehensive bike plan, a very active Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, plenty of bicycle parking, and most importantly, many people who are dedicated to biking for transportation and for pleasure.
The City of Urbana encourages using bicycles as an alternative to the automobile for access to local amenities.
Bicycle Master Plan
The City of Urbana approved an updated Bicycle Master Plan in 2016. The plan and its appendices can be viewed and downloaded here:
Urbana Bicycle Master Plan 2016
Calls reporting stolen bicycles should be directed to the Police Department at 217-384-2320.
Calls reporting abandoned bicycles should be directed to the Public Works Department at 217-384-2342.