Elm Street Roastery

Liquor Licensing

The Mayor of Urbana is the Local Liquor Commissioner, with complete licensing authority within the city's corporate limits, under the Liquor Control Act of 1934 (235 ILCS 5/1-1 et seq.). This authority is subject to amendments and regulations stipulated by the Illinois Liquor Control Commission, as well as any ordinances enacted by the City related to alcoholic liquor.

The Deputy Liquor Commissioner is responsible for handling liquor license applications and issuing annual renewals. 

A liquor license is necessary for the sale and or service of alcoholic beverages in the City of Urbana, whether for a business (i.e., bar, restaurant, gas station, grocery store) or temporary use (i.e., special event). To determine which license type to apply for, applicants should review Urbana Municipal Code Chapter 3: Alcoholic Liquor and the current fiscal year Fee Schedule. It is highly recommended that applicants complete a liquor license application with the assistance of an experienced attorney. 

Applicants should submit completed application packets by mail to:

Local Liquor Control Commissioner
City of Urbana
400 S. Vine St.
Urbana, IL 61801 

You may also submit all documentation and additional questions via email to liquor [at] (Liquor[at]UrbanaIL[dot]gov)