Special Events and Block Parties
A special event is an activity that materially affects the ordinary allocation of City personnel or the ordinary use of City streets, sidewalks, or parking lots.
Special events may include the following:
- Run/walk/bike events
- Festivals/fairs
- Parades
- Free Speech events
- Commercial property events
Special Event Permits and Compliance
Special events require a permit from the City. The applicant must comply with all City ordinances, policies, codes, conditions, and requirements.
Noise Requirements
A special event permit for an event held within the Downtown Entertainment District typically allows for amplified music between 10 a.m. and midnight of a given day. Hours may be more limited if special conditions or circumstances arise.
Special Events held outside of the Downtown Entertainment District shall only allow amplified music with prior approval from the Chief of Police and the Public Works Director.
Application Process
The City will not issue a special event permit until copies of any additional approved permits are attached to the application form.
If alcoholic beverages are to be sold or served, they may be sold, served, and possessed only in accordance with state law and local ordinances. If the event includes the sale of liquor, it will require a liquor license from the Mayor, who is the Local Liquor Commissioner.
The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District must approve all food or beverages to be sold or served at an event.
Tents of more than 400 square feet require a separate permit from the Community Development Services Department’s Building Safety Division.
Special Event Permit Fees
The fee for a special event permit is based on the City’s anticipated cost to accommodate the proposed special event. This is in addition to the above permit costs.
The City shall determine whether City personnel are needed to ensure the success of the event and reduce the public liability exposure to the organizer and the City.
The Director of Public Works will determine the estimate of such costs other than required police services. The Chief of Police shall determine whether the event requires fees for extra police services.
Payment for Special Event Permit
Non-profit organizations will receive a $750 credit toward anticipated costs.
Make all checks payable to the City of Urbana. Please include the business name and event name on the check. All fees are non-refundable.
Permit Application Deadlines
Individuals and groups seeking a special event permit must submit an application and fees to the Public Works Department at least 45 days in advance of the event’s first day. The deadline is set to allow sufficient time for application processing.
Applications submitted less than 45 days from the first day of the event may be subject to a late fee of up to $500.
The Public Works Department may grant preliminary approval of an event at any time in advance of the event. However, any person who receives preliminary approval must still comply with all application requirements.
Vendor List Required
The City of Urbana requires event organizers to provide a complete list of all vendors associated with the event. The list must include contact information and product descriptions for each vendor.
Site/Security Plan
Please indicate the security measures for the event on the provided maps. The security plan also must identify a conspicuous location where the event organizer will post a human trafficking notice that complies with 775 ILCS 50/10. Security Plans must meet the requirements of the Chief of Police.
Please provide the following information, if applicable:
- Street closures/parking information
- Garbage cans/recycling containers
- Tents/stages/electrical equipment/speakers
- Food vendor booths/ merchant vendors
- Water sources
- Emergency vehicle access
Additional Rules for Special Events
The City of Urbana is not responsible for any accidents or damages to persons or property resulting from the issuance of a special event permit.
The Special Event Permit is non-transferable and can only be used on the designated dates and times listed in the application.
The City of Urbana reserves the right to suspend, cancel, and/or reschedule events.
The organizer is responsible for ensuring that all participants and spectators abide by all the above conditions.
Application Review Process
To ensure the application meets all relevant requirements, it will require approval from the Public Works Department, the Community Development Services Department, the Office of the Mayor, the Police Department, and the Fire Department.
This review process may require additional time if questions and/or problems with the application arise. The organizer shall be contacted upon final approval.
Neighborhood block parties are a form of special event that is treated differently because of their smaller scale and location (a residential area). Organizers may not advertise neighborhood block parties to encourage attendance by the general public.
Permit Application Requirements
To close the street for a neighborhood celebration, an applicant must submit a complete neighborhood block party application to the Urbana Public Works Department at 706 South Glover Avenue. The application must be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the event. The organizer must sign and date the application and the reimbursement and indemnification agreement.
Organizers must let their neighbors know about the plans. At least 75 percent of the residents affected by the block party must sign the attached resident petition.
Upon permit approval, organizers can reserve barricades to block off the streets. These barricades are available to borrow from Urbana Public Works Department without charge and may be delivered.
Block Party Rules
Neighborhood block party hours must be between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. The permit does not nullify the liquor laws and ordinances or the noise ordinance prohibiting amplification. The City will enforce these ordinances if there are complaints.