Assistance Programs
Property owners may be eligible to participate in the City's Sewer Lateral Reimbursement Program if their sewer lateral repair is located under sidewalk or street pavement within the City right-of-way. The program allows the City to reimburse property owners for pavement removal, replacement, and backfilling costs associated with a sewer lateral repair.
Reimbursements are set at a unit price rate based on the quantity of pavement removed and replaced. This program will not pay for the cost of replacement of the sewer lateral, but rehabilitation of the sewer pipe via lining may be eligible for reimbursement.
Property owners may be eligible to participate in the City's Overhead Sewer Program if they have experienced sanitary sewer backups. Sometimes the sanitary sewer system cannot handle the water received during a heavy rain or flood. Because of footing drains, loose pipe joints, or some other reason, the sewer mains become overloaded and back-up into basements and lower levels of buildings. This cost-sharing program is for the installation of a sewage ejector system with overhead sewer lines, which would eliminate or substantially reduce sanitary sewer backups.
To participate in the program, the property owner must complete an application and submit plans (usually prepared by the plumbing contractor) for the installation of the system to the Urbana Public Works Department for review. After the plans have been approved, the property owner will pay a licensed plumber to install the system. After the installation is complete, the City of Urbana will conduct final inspections of the plumbing, electrical, and sewer work. Once the installation has been approved, the property owner can submit a copy of the paid receipt to the Urbana Public Works Department for partial reimbursement (up to 75% of the cost of the project, not to exceed $5,250).
Urbana property owners have an opportunity to reduce their stormwater utility fee amount by applying for the incentives and credits that are outlined in the Credit and Incentive Manual. Incentives and credits are available to property owners who reduce the impact of the runoff from their properties by such methods as installing sustainable stormwater practices that allow stormwater to infiltrate into the ground like rain gardens and permeable pavement. These practices offset the impact of some of the impervious surface on the property by reducing the rate and volume of runoff, and by improving water quality.
Through the Co-op Tree Planting Program, individuals, neighborhood associations, service organizations, businesses, or churches can instigate new tree plantings by sharing the cost of new trees with the City. Resident participants in the program may request a tree planting within the parkway near their home by submitting an application form along with $125 per tree. The City’s Public Works Arbor Division will determine the specific planting location, contact all utility agencies before planting any trees, and purchase, plant, and prune all trees associated with this program. Trees are planted between March and June each year, depending on the weather. Residents will need to agree to water and care for the new tree planted near their home, according to the City-established guidelines.
If you are involved with a neighborhood association, service organization, business, or church, and are interested in participating in the program in one or more of the following ways, please contact the City Arborist:
- Employer/employee matching program
- Partnerships with other organizations
- Combining efforts with other individuals
To participate, mail or drop off the application form and $125 per tree, payable to the City of Urbana, to the following address:
Urbana Public Works Department
Arbor Division
706 S. Glover Ave.
Urbana, IL 61802
Property owners may be eligible to participate in the City's Hazardous Sump Pump Discharge Abatement Program if sump pump discharge is causing a public nuisance or hazardous condition in City Right-of-Way. Property owners should consult with a licensed plumber to determine appropriate options for addressing sump pump discharge such as directing the sump pump discharge to a City storm sewer. Where no storm sewer is available within the City Right-of-Way immediately adjacent to a property, that property’s owner may request the extension of a public storm sewer through a cost-share agreement with the City.
To apply for the program, contact City of Urbana Public Works Engineering Division.
The Reimbursement Program for Illegal Connections of the Private Sanitary Sewer Service Laterals to the Storm Sewer System is intended to ease the financial burden for property owners who must reroute their illegal connections of their sanitary sewer laterals to a sanitary sewer. It is illegal to have a sanitary sewer lateral connected to a storm sewer pipe, however, the City understands that property owners may be unaware of an illegal connection at the time of purchase of the property. When an illegal connection is discovered, the connection must be disconnected or redirected to a sanitary sewer within fourteen (14) calendar days from receipt of notice of violation from the City of Urbana Public Works (per Ordinance No. 2006-04-041). Through this program, property owners may be eligible for reimbursement of up to 50% of the cost, up to $4,000, to eliminate an illegal sanitary sewer connection to the City storm sewer system.
For more information, contact the City of Urbana Public Works Engineering Division.